================================================================ Title : Eliminator Does QuakeHenge Filename : qhenge.bsp Map Author : Stuart Presley (vovin@vnet.net) Eliminator1.4 cBOT : Cameron Newham (cam@iinet.com.au) Eliminator Mod : Dan Rockwell Email Address : djr@advfilms.com (IRC: Hatchet) Description : QHenge is great, its fast, simple and alot of fun, but wait theres more! Now with Eliminator code bring on gibbed death madness! Mod includes basic eliminator code, not much really, just enough to make it fun. Also Qhenge now sports a lightning gun instead of a rocketlauncher, an extra nailgun or two some armor, and more ammo. Moved some deathmatch spots around. Play with at least 2-3 Eliminators. Additional Credits to : ID Software, Stuart Presley for QHENGE.BSP Cameron Newham (cam@iinet.com.au) for Eliminator1.4 cBOT The lurkers of #quakeed irc channel for guidence. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : QuakeHenge Gone Eliminator Style! Single Player : They will kill you in single player mode ya know. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Sure! Deathmatch 1-4 Player : Yes!!! Difficulty Settings : None * Construction * Base : QHENGE.BSP Build Time : 1-3 hours Editor(s) used : QDEXPORT to grab the entitys out of the QHENGE.BSP QBSP to reassemble. Eliminator Construction Set. Known Bugs : My simple waypoint patterns for these guys leaves them circling at times. In general they seem to be near sighted. Beware of the mass teleporter fountain of gibbed death. If you see it, grab some pics before quake crashes! (its really kinda cool...) How to, what to do: Just put the qhenge.bsp in your quake/elim/maps directory. Run quake via "quake -game elim". If you don't have Eliminator1.4, you NEED IT! * Legal Stuff * You may distribute and modify this level, as long as you include my text file and give me credit. If you plan on distributing this map on a CD Collection you _MUST_ contact me first for my approval. * Where to get this MAP * If your reading this Text file....you know where to get the map.... Whoever including the "Where to get this MAP" info in the template must have been stoned. Eliminator1.4 can be found in www sites everywhere sporting the Quake name. Such as: www.stomped.com, ftp.cdrom.com.